Message Lab Presentations
As an applied communication scholar, I enjoy connecting with collaborators across fields and thinking about how the theories and methods that we use in communication science can inform approaches to a variety of problems, particularly in the health and science arena. This fall, I had the opportunity to present seminars to a variety of audiences. In October, I presented a seminar titled “Correcting Scientific Misinformation” to the Department of Agricultural Economics here at MSU. This seminar included an overview of the most current science on methods for correcting scientific misinformation. In November, I presented a training titled “Communicating for Behavior Change,” focused on using behavioral science theories to inform health communication efforts, during the statewide quarterly training for personnel affiliated with the Office of Nutrition Education, Mississippi State University Extension Service.
The work of the Message Laboratory also appeared at the National Communication Association annual convention their year. My colleagues and I presented a paper on results from our formative research for a mass media campaign associated with the PROMISE (PReventing Opioid Misuse In the SouthEast) Initiative:
Seitz, H. H., Robertson, M. N., Steen, J., & Buys, D. (2020, November). Development and pretesting of prescription opioid misuse prevention messages: Results and implications for practice. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 106th Annual Convention.
As we close out this very challenging year, I look forward to the tremendous amount of good work to be done in the future (and sharing that work with the world).